Fire in the Steppe

Over the centuries the armies have marched, fought and died in the eastern steppe. This blog will focus on the wars of the steppe.

Pancerni Rotmistrz

Pancerni Rotmistrz
Polish Pancerni Officer

Monday, June 14, 2010

Spring, 1707 2nd Impulse

In the On to Moscow campaign rules each year is broken into four seasons, and each season into three impulses, with each impulse representing the equivilent of a month. We have just completed the Spring, 1707 2nd impulse. The main Swedish force, under Charles XII has completed entrenchments at Minsk, a prerequisite for placing a fortress under siege. Swedish forces have appeared outside the fortess of Dorpat and a Swedish fleet has landed a force of unknown size outside of St. Petersburg. There was no contact between either side during the turn.

*---Disclaimer: This is not a complete description of the action during this turn. In order not to reveal infomation to either side that would betray operational actions of which they are unaware, some details have been left out of the narrative.

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